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     ≡  per chi ama gli animali

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Messaggi: 2392
Iscritto dal: 23/1/2008
Da: Magomadas
Su: KTM 990 Adventure "Kate"
# 1 ≡ per chi ama gli animali
»11.04.08 - 14:17
Questo signore che leggete qui sotto sta affrontando un progetto per la reintroduzione di leoni in natura per ora in una area particolarmente ampia nel parco dello tsavo in Kenya ovviamente hanno bisogno di finanziamenti in quanto il governo Keniano e la KWS che è l'associazione per la salvaguardia della wildlife in kenya non dedica particolari fondi a questo progetto ma preferisce la "tutela" dei parchi nazionali che portano turisti a cui far pagare l'ingresso.
David lo vedete qui in foto mentre gioca con la piccola gabriela una leoncina che è stata rapita dalla madre durante un safari tenuta in casa per mesi e poi dopo che aveva distrutto diversi mobili affidata a David.

Dear Sir,

Please find outlined in the following page, a very brief introduction of myself and also a concept which I have been developing over the past few years.

In 1997, ten years ago, I was invited by Dr Crisse Bradley Martin to assist in the upbringing of a small lion cub at the Nairobi Animal Orphanage. Kibonge was my first lion to raise and until he had reached the age of two and a half years, I would go in to "play" with him everyday, change his bedding and brush him. That is when the "addiction" started.

Well before this time I had read about George Adamsom and his life with lions and wondered if it would be possible to find a suitable place to attempt to release some of the lions held captive in facilities like the Nairobi Animal Orphanage.

In the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, we currently have THIRTEEN lions of assorted ages, not including those that are in the Safari Walk.

WHY do we need to have so many lions kept in a captive environment when, under the right circumstances and in the right environment, it may be possible to release some of them back into the wild.

TSAVO EAST: One of Africa's largest wildlife reserves would from many aspects, be the solution and the place. Water, Virtually Uninhabited, Vast Areas, Underutilized.

I would beg that myself and my engineer colleague Mr Peter Achammer would be granted permission to camp in and explore the areas North of the Galana River to initially identify a site suitable to establish a lion sanctuary and pre release training ground. Final suitability to be approved by KWS.

Yours Most Sincerely,

David Y.Mascall. ( NBI Animal Orphanage Lion Handler)

[img align=left][/img]
"Grandi corridori di corse in salita che alzavano la testa dal manubrio per vedere se fosse finita allenati alla corsa allenati alla gara e preparati a cadere e a tutto quello che si impara"(Ivano Fossati)


Messaggi: 918
Iscritto dal: 30/11/2006
Da: un posto qualunque
Su: una bici, per ora...
# 2 ≡ Re: per chi ama gli animali
»19.04.08 - 17:41

Dear Sir,

Please find outlined in the following page, a very brief introduction of myself and also a concept which I have been developing over the past few years.

In 1997, ten years ago, I was invited by Dr Crisse Bradley Martin to assist in the upbringing of a small lion cub at the Nairobi Animal Orphanage. Kibonge was my first lion to raise and until he had reached the age of two and a half years, I would go in to "play" with him everyday, change his bedding and brush him. That is when the "addiction" started.

Well before this time I had read about George Adamsom and his life with lions and wondered if it would be possible to find a suitable place to attempt to release some of the lions held captive in facilities like the Nairobi Animal Orphanage.

In the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, we currently have THIRTEEN lions of assorted ages, not including those that are in the Safari Walk.

WHY do we need to have so many lions kept in a captive environment when, under the right circumstances and in the right environment, it may be possible to release some of them back into the wild.

TSAVO EAST: One of Africa's largest wildlife reserves would from many aspects, be the solution and the place. Water, Virtually Uninhabited, Vast Areas, Underutilized.

I would beg that myself and my engineer colleague Mr Peter Achammer would be granted permission to camp in and explore the areas North of the Galana River to initially identify a site suitable to establish a lion sanctuary and pre release training ground. Final suitability to be approved by KWS.

Yours Most Sincerely,

David Y.Mascall. ( NBI Animal Orphanage Lion Handler)

:oops: ehm, qualcuno traduce?
si, lo so che perlomeno l'inglese dovrei saperlo....
Forse certe donne non sono fatte per essere domate.... forse hanno bisogno di restare libere finchè non trovano qualcuno di altrettanto selvaggio con cui correre...

E.I.S. team 2009 - una delle bandite che fecero l'impresa...



Messaggi: 2392
Iscritto dal: 23/1/2008
Da: Magomadas
Su: KTM 990 Adventure "Kate"
# 3 ≡ Re: per chi ama gli animali
»21.04.08 - 08:25
le parti più importanti:


In the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, we currently have THIRTEEN lions of assorted ages, not including those that are in the Safari Walk.

nell'ofanotrofio di nairobi al momento abbiamo 13 leoni di età assortita senza contare quelli che sono all'interno dell'area Safari


WHY do we need to have so many lions kept in a captive environment when, under the right circumstances and in the right environment, it may be possible to release some of them back into the wild.

come mai dobbiamo avere così tanti leoni tenuti in cattività quando nelle giuste condizioni è possibile rilasciare alcuni di loro in libertà?


TSAVO EAST: One of Africa's largest wildlife reserves would from many aspects, be the solution and the place. Water, Virtually Uninhabited, Vast Areas, Underutilized.

Lo Tsawo east è una delle riserve più ampie e possibili per molti aspetti, la soluzione per l'acqua, poco abitata, vasta area inutilizzata.


would beg that myself and my engineer colleague Mr Peter Achammer would be granted permission to camp in and explore the areas North of the Galana River to initially identify a site suitable to establish a lion sanctuary and pre release training ground. Final suitability to be approved by KWS.

David si impegna con i suoi colleghi a esplorare l'area nord del fiume Galana per identificare un area adatta che comunque dovrà essere approvata dalla KWS.
"Grandi corridori di corse in salita che alzavano la testa dal manubrio per vedere se fosse finita allenati alla corsa allenati alla gara e preparati a cadere e a tutto quello che si impara"(Ivano Fossati)

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