Messaggi: 148
Iscritto dal: 4/9/2002
Da: Nicolosi - Etna - CT
# 1 ≡ Accessori da viaggio, quante scoperte!
Parlando con un mototurista in Hayabusa ho ricevuto una mail fitta di modifiche per lunghissimi viaggi.
Il tipo si sta sparando un coast to coast nella sua terra natale. Australia.
Chi non parla inglese semplicemente metta su Google i termini in neretto...
"my police Busa has corbin hard bags and a smuggler trunk. All three are hard, room is limited and they are very expensive.
On my 08 personal Busa I am using a Ventura soft bag set up. 2- Each hold 51 liters. In addition I have a Bagster tank bag (made in France)
I do not want hard bags due to the expense.
I will send you a pic or post a thread soon when I get a pic.
i installed an electronic cruise control, throttle miesters, buell pegs, heli bars, HID light in the low beam, self cancel turn signals. Yosh R77 slip ons, Garmin Zumo 550 GPS, Corbin seat, I have an Airhawk and beaded seat cover in case the Corbin is not enough. I plan on a 3500 mile trip next month.
Also have a Slime brand air compressor and tire plugs in case of a flat. I am using a Quick stand for lubing the chain. It hooks on the right lower spool and allows you to raise the rear tire enough to spin it and lube the chain.
Cool vest for the heat, it has been 95-100 degrees here.
Camel back to holds 1.5 liters of cold water, disc lock with alarm and a cover for night time at motels
I ride in Joe Rocket mesh armor in the summer.
Wear bicycle shorts to wik away moisture.
i take a small bottle of laundry soap to wash under clothes at night and let air dry in the motel.
Also installed power points to power GPS and charge cell phone.
I use a cardo bluetooth headset with bike to bike range of 1500ft.
i have no one going this trip with one, I am meeting an org member at the Dragon in Tennessee. he has a Chatterbox FRS set up. I ordered a Nady frs hand held radio with boom mic and speaker with PTT button ($65.00 US) very cheap compared to the chatterbox at $350.00
Thats about it, the Heli bars and Buell pegs will make a big difference, the stock seat will kill you after 60 miles. "
Si è belli fuori quando si è Banditi dentro!
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