# 1 ≡ E Boltz non ci dice nulla....
"Dear colleagues,
Tomorrow, Wednesday, the LHC will start its second run. It will be an important day for the whole laboratory as we begin to explore physics at 13 TeV. The LHC and all the accelerators in the chain producing the beams have so far performed exceptionally well. I would like to thank all of the teams involved in the work performed during the long shutdown of the LHC, in the powering tests and in the beam commissioning process, as well as all the CERN personnel, for this great achievement.
From early tomorrow morning, our colleagues in the communications group will be providing live coverage of the start of Run 2 from the CCC on the CERN homepage, allowing you to follow all the events and high points of the day.
I look forward to enjoying this historic day with you."
https://webcast.web.cern.ch/webcast/...p?event=397618Se mi salta la corrente so a chi dare la colpa.
La stupiditïà degli altri mi affascina, ma preferisco la mia (E. Flaiano)
"Speed when you want it...,Power when you need it...,and Safety always..."